The Gabzter

Hello & welcome to The Great Gabzter's blog.I hope you enjoy looking round my FANTABIEDOSY site!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


-The title kind of sounds like an advertisement for a film, like 'Jack Black Is Back' or something!-


As the title clearly states; I'M BACK!!! It has been 4 months since I last blogged, and tons of things have happened! I think the most important one, is that i've started a NEW SCHOOL!! It's called Thorpe House, and this is how it all happened:...

Dad used to visit this school alot when he still worked at the MathewProject, to teach them about drugs and stuff. -I think-. So mum and dad have always had this school at the back of their minds, and finally, they've managed to pull it out of the back of their minds, to the very front. It meant leaving my old school a year early, (Here comes the tricky bit), beacause at my old school's system, the first schools had years reception to year 3. The middle schools years 4-7, and the high schools years 8-11. But. At Thorpe House and lot's of other school's, they have years reception to 2 in first school, 3-6 in middle school's, and 7-11 in High School's. So, as you can see, it's all rather complicated, and I won't bore you any more, by going into any more detail.

I'll give you a time-table of my holiday soon, but I'm afraid that now I have to go.
Bye! xxx

English Homework

This is my myth-story-thing that I had to do for Homework:

How the penguin got it's waddle.

Once there was a little penguin called Pengala. He was walking wearily back to his warm igloo, after a long, tiring swim with his friends. Finally he arrived home. He took a quick glance at the sky, to try and determine the weather for the night, and it looked like it was going to snow. Pengala walked slowly indoors, and went to sleep straight away.

In the morning, he awoke, cold, hungry, and slightly damp from the wet ground. He stretched, and slowly got up, his stomach rumbling urgently. Pengala pushed his way through the snowy entrance, to his cosy igloo, and laid a flipper gently on the snow. He squealed and jumped back! The snow was freezing cold, much, much, much colder than usual. His stomach growled hungrily. Pengala was desperatley hungry, but he couldn't posibly walk on that freezing snow...rumble rumble rumble. His stomach growled. He sighed, and gingerly put his cold flipper onto the snow.

He squeezed his eyes shut in pain, as he put his other flipper next to the other. Pengala hopped from one foot to the other, as he made his way quickly across the chilly snow. He looked a bit like he was...waddling. Finally he reached the sea, and he dived in thankfully. But, as you might have guessed, the snow was even colder than the snow, but he was starving now, and had to eat something. Soon, Pengala burst out of the water, and (with a wrigling fish in his beak), he swam eagerly back to the shore. The snow felt warmer, as the sun had come out, and he sat, happily devouring the fish. Eventually, he sat back, his stomach satisfied.

He got up to start the journey back home, and because the snow was back to it's normal temperature, he didn't need to waddle. Pengala took his first few steps, savouring the warm snow while it lasted, but...he couldn't walk normally again! He desperately tried to walk, but he couldn't. He would have to waddle all his life. Pengala carried on waddling back home, and when he was about half way back, he saw his friends running over to him. He glared enviously, at their ability to walk normaly, but said nothing of it. They laughed, and teased him about his waddle. They thought Pengala was joking.

After a while, they started to copy him. They waddled about just like him, laughing, and joking as they went. Suddenly, it began to snow. It poured down, bringing back the cold from earlier that morning. The other penguins found they couldn't walk normally any more! As they all waddled home, it was Pengala's turn to tease them. They looked shocked and annoyed, but soon got used to it like Pengala had.

Ever since that obscure day, penguins have waddled without a care in the world!


Gabbie Hhttp://Gabztex.bebo .com/