The Gabzter

Hello & welcome to The Great Gabzter's blog.I hope you enjoy looking round my FANTABIEDOSY site!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Brownie Camp

Today at 2:00pm I am going to Brownie Camp in North Walsham.

You can only start Brownies when you are 7yrs old, but this trip is for 9 upwards only.

I went to Brownie Camp last year, and it was FANTABIEDOSY!

I hope it's just as good this year. Last year, I got a fit of giggles, half an hour after we had all gone to bed. Luckily, I wasn't to noisy, but still noisy enough to rouse 1 of the leaders!

In the mornings, me and my friends would all pull our sleeping bags of the beds, get inside and play 'caterpilla policeman'!

We stay there from Wednesday to Saturday, which is 1 night less from last year

From The Gabster! xxx

Gabbie Hhttp://Gabztex.bebo .com/