The Gabzter

Hello & welcome to The Great Gabzter's blog.I hope you enjoy looking round my FANTABIEDOSY site!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Pancakes for Breakfast!

This morning, as it's the first day of the half-term, Dad decided to cook pancakes for breakfast which are my favorite food!

Milly helped Dad make them:

And I helped her make a doggy pancake out of bannanas and whipp cream!:

She gobbled them up like a hoover!:

Then I made Splodgy the pancake!:

It was Milly's first Pancake so hip hip hooray!

I know it isn't Pancake day yet, but if I had my way, it would be Pancake day every day!

Bye! xxx

Gabbie Hhttp://Gabztex.bebo .com/