The Gabzter

Hello & welcome to The Great Gabzter's blog.I hope you enjoy looking round my FANTABIEDOSY site!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Photo Friday -Red-

Hello everyone!

Today, the word for 'Photo Friday' was 'Red'. And guess what! Today I went for a blood-test and what colour is blood?-Red! So, I took my camera along with me, and Mum took a photo for me! It seemed ages untill the needle went in, but when it did I was squeezing Mum's hand and I said "Has it gone in yet?" , and it had! I just hadn't felt it! Anyway, here's the photo that Mum took:

It's good isn't it? I think that the nurse had a good Idea when she said that we should take a photo of her hand holding the capsual thingy!

Well, that's all for today, I'll see you soon!


Gabbie Hhttp://Gabztex.bebo .com/