The Gabzter

Hello & welcome to The Great Gabzter's blog.I hope you enjoy looking round my FANTABIEDOSY site!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Sponsor me!!!.............................


I'm afraid it's still not Disney!

I'm only doing a small entry, about sponsoring ME! on Febuary the 8th, at school we're having a 'Penaltly shoot Out Day' at school. It's to raise money 50/50 to Football in the Community and my school (Firside Middle). So, will anyone sponsor me? I get 10 shots into the net against 1 of our school coaches, so don't sponsor me more than 50p!

Tell me through a comment and I will write it on the sheet for you. (If you just tell me how much you want to sponser me!)

If you want an extra 2p to go to Football in the Community then put that in the comment aswell!



Guess What?.....MORE HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Firstly, I want to reasure you that this is NOT a description of Disney Land, I repeat NOT (N-O-T) a description of Disney Land!

But, It is another peice of homework.

Another argument, but this time it's not to stop homework, it's to make school dinners healthy.

So, (without more delay!) here it is:

Should school dinners be changed to a ‘Set healthy’ meal?

The Local Education Authority has recently been debating whether or not school dinners should be changed to a ‘Set healthy’ meal, which could ensure that all children who have a hot-dinner would eat healthily. So, the question has now arisen of whether or not school dinners should be changed to a healthy and to a healthy and nutritious meal meal.

Those against say that the children’s school dinners are about as healthy as your average restaurant. However food chains like McDonalds and Burgerking have a lot of added salt and sugar, therefore they are not very healthy. In addition to this, those for state that it’s better for children to have a fully healthy meal as it means that they are awake and ready for the afternoon’s work.

Critics of changing school dinners argue that if the change did take place, children may not want a hot-dinner for many children don’t like vegetables, and may decide to have a pack lunch as an alternative instead. Also, in a serious case the pupils may decide to go on a hunger-strike to get their own way. However, those in favour claim that Jamie Oliver is currently trying to encourage pupils to eat healthily at school, by making healthy food seem fun to eat.

To bring this argument to a close, after a great deal of thought a decision has been made that school dinners will be changed to a ‘Set healthy’ meal every day except Friday’s, when the pupils will have the choice of something from the old menu. We also are asking parents to encourage their children to eat healthily at home.

Hope you read it, because it took 2 NIGHTS!

Bye 4 now! xxx

Gabbie Hhttp://Gabztex.bebo .com/