The Gabzter

Hello & welcome to The Great Gabzter's blog.I hope you enjoy looking round my FANTABIEDOSY site!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Brownie Camp 2

Hello everyone!

I got back from Brownie Camp yesterday! I'm glad to be back home, but I wish that I could have stayed longer.

I'm afraid I didn't take a camera, so (of course), I haven't any photo's to show.
I was sent TUNS of letters, and i'm going to show you a funny example of 1 from dad in my next entry.

We made absolutley thousands of things, and we visited a place called 'Gressen Hall'
That trip was really fun!

We also went swimming, which I really enjoyed.
Overall, I think it was better than last year's Brownie Camp!

Bye blog reader! xxx

Gabbie Hhttp://Gabztex.bebo .com/