The Gabzter

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Monday, October 31, 2005

Letter From Brownie Camp

Yet again, I am blabbering on about Brownie's, but this time it's a letter that I got at Brownie Camp this year.So here it is:..

King President Mark the Most Magnificent & Great

At the time of writing this correspondence I find I am in the lounge early one morning before the sun has fully risen in the sky. It is the third day of the third week of the tenth month of the year two thousand and five. Every body, everyone come inside and join the fun.

Dear Lowly First Born Daughter of King President Mark the Most Magnificent & Great,

What kind of day is it today? Is it a sunny day or a rainy day? If you are not sure may I suggest you look out of the window…I find I can usually tell what sort of day it is by doing that simple experiment. Go ahead and try it for yourself. I am glad to be able to teach you things, lowly first born daughter of mine.

Anyway you are probably thinking to yourself, why would King President Mark the Most Magnificent & Great write a letter to me, his lowly first born daughter? Surely he has for too many great and most magnificent things to do that are far more important than writing letters to lowly first born daughters.

Well lowly first born daughter of mine, you are of course quite correct and accurate in your thinking (though not as correct and accurate as when I think because my brain as you will remember, is the size of a small planet). I do have many marvellous, mighty, magnificent and great things to do today. In fact today I really must get on with making some great inventions, groovy solutions. I then will need to set about following some clues. Follow the clue. Follow the clue. King President Mark the Most Magnificent & Great we need you.

However before I start all these many marvellous, mighty, magnificent and great things I decided that I must let my lowly first born daughter know of something I had to do yesterday. You may remember that we had a new game called Lord of Rings Risk. It is a game of great skill and intelligence requires careful and clever planning as you try to outwit your opponents in a great battle. Which coloured house are we going to? I know what you are thinking; it is of course just the type of game that King President Mark the Most Magnificent & Great would always win at.
Well I am sorry to have to report to you, that the particular version of Lord of the Rings Risk that we were sold was quite obviously faulty and broken.
While we were playing it became clear that it was not working right and clearly needed to be sent back to the shops to get a proper working version.

So I am writing to you my lowly first born daughter to let you know that I have done this. What’s the story in Balamory? I have taken it back to the shop and complained that I was sold a faulty game that was not working properly. But lowly first born daughter, do not despair! Because the shop agreed with me that it could not be working properly if King President Mark the Most Magnificent & Great had not won the game, so they have replaced the old broken one with a brand new proper working version. So the next time we play, we can all enjoy the right, proper and correct end of the game.

Ii gives me great pleasure to be able to bring you such good news lowly first born daughter of mine. When I honk my horn. No doubt you have been worrying about this while away on your trip with the….what are they called now? …Yellowies….Purplies something like that anyway. I am far too magnificent and great to remember every little detail. But worry no more lowly daughter of mine – and look forward to the next time we play the game – this time it will not be a silly broken version of the game where the end does not count and no one remembers who actually won. It will be a most magnificent and great game with the right and proper winner!!

Well lowly first born daughter I must now attend to the marvellous, mighty, magnificent and great things that I must do today. As Mrs Peel tells me ‘We’re needed’. Have a lovely time with the Orangies and do have a wonderful Christmas. I am not sure exactly when I will see you again because I am so busy with the marvellous, mighty and magnificent things I have to do.

Farewell. And if you must leave a room then please remember to use the doors.

Love from,
King President Mark the Most Magnificent & Great

It is a very funny letter, from my dad. Well, it would be if your talking about my my dad!!!

bye blog lover/anti blogist/someone who is just browsing, or other.

From The GREAT, The GLAMAROUS, Gabster! xxx

Gabbie Hhttp://Gabztex.bebo .com/